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Kaspa (KAS)



About Kaspa

Kaspa is a decentralized digital currency. It has a current circulating supply of 25,405,144,072.438 KAS and a maximum supply capped at 28,704,026,601. As of March 24, 2024, the price of one Kaspa is $0.119, with a market capitalization of $3,027,724,637.444. Over the past 1 hour, Kaspa has seen a 0.22% decrease and a 0.02% decrease over the past 24 hours.

Updated Market Data for Kaspa

DatePricePercent Change
7 Days$0.157-24.22%
14 Days$0.189-37.06%
30 Days$0.154-22.72%
60 Days$0.131-9.49%
90 Days$0.164-27.69%
6 Months$0.153-22.42%
1 Year$0.1134.83%

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Price Calculator for KAS to USD

Useful Links

Technical Doc:https://eprint.iacr.org/2018/104.pdf
Source Code:https://github.com/kaspanet/kaspad

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