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About BNB

BNB is a decentralized digital currency. It has a current circulating supply of 144,007,659.64 BNB. As of March 24, 2024, the price of one BNB is $657.009, with a market capitalization of $94,614,366,855.182. Over the past 1 hour, BNB has seen a 0.11% increase and a 1.04% decrease over the past 24 hours.

Updated Market Data for BNB

DatePricePercent Change
7 Days$719.407-7.83%
14 Days$743.188-10.78%
30 Days$633.5374.66%
60 Days$584.6213.42%
90 Days$604.3489.71%
6 Months$590.67212.25%
1 Year$271.378144.33%

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